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Popcorn Fundraiser

Trails End Website


You can start selling now using the Trails End app, which is free to download, the website link is above to lead the Tfails End Webb site. Also you can search your phones App store for “Trails End” and download your app. All things popcorn will be done through this app. You can sign up to participate in store front sales, take orders from friends and neighbors, and send links to family and friends out of town so they can support your scout and earn his credit! We will again participate in the Amazon gift card prizes offered by Trails End and you need the app in order to redeem your code. As always the Pack Popcorn Kernal will have some fun prizes and give away to motivate all scouts! A popular motivation from previous years is they get to hit their Cubmaster with a pie in the face!

Popcorn is our only fundraiser of the year and all funds earned by our sales go to help run our program. While your dues help pay for the consumables your scout needs to complete scouting (books, awards, etc.), the funds raised by popcorn allow us to pay for special visitors for pack meetings, blue and gold banquet entertainment, our Christmas parade float, and more.

Pack 446 is currently in need of help managing popcorn sales program. If you are interested in learning what the “Popcorn Kernel” does or have a place to help store popcorn inventory, please let pack leadership know!

If you have any questions about popcorn sales, please chat with your Den Leader to learn more.

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